Salt and Heat. How Under Your Vehicle is the Perfect Environment for Rapid Corrosion.

It's pretty amazing how far the automotive industry has come with vehicle engines. You can easily expect to get 300,000 plus miles out of a new vehicle engine with routine maintenance. This however is not the case for the body if you live in a part of the country where road salt is used.
It's common knowledge that the underside of your car or truck gets hot. Very hot. It's not commonly known how this accelerates the rate at which corrosion occurs to the chassis and functional parts of your vehicle.
A salt test on steel is an accelerated method of testing the lifespan of a coating, metal, weld etc. This is traditionally done by spraying salt on the piece being tested, heating it and waiting. Salt and heat react together and create a chemical reaction. We visually see this as rust.
Unfortunately, the reality is that as we drive through the salt and brine on the roads, we create the perfect environment to accelerate the rate of corrosion. Of course, if we remove the salt this does not happen. Use Salts Gone as frequently as time allows, and you can get through a corrosion free winter!
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