Coastal living is a luxury not everybody gets to enjoy. However, with home ownership near the water, there are some inherent issues due to the salt air. Salts Gone® helps you extend the life of your AC units, vehicles, outdoor furniture, and even makes cleaning your windows easy!

Salts Gone® is an instantly acting chelating agent for salt/brine. There are 3 primary components to it:

  1. Chelating agents for the various forms of salt
  2. Corrosion inhibitors to prevent future salt from causing further damage
  3. Surfactants (soap)

Salts Gone® is:

PH Neutral

  • This means it's safe on any material you would find around the house, including metals, glass, paint, etc. It's even safe to fall on your landscaping, making it hassle-free and easy to use.

Highly Concentrated

  • Each gallon makes one hundred gallons of finished solution (1:100)

Can be applied with or without running water

  • Running water: Hose End Sprayers, injector boxes, pressure washers
  • No running water: Pump Sprayers, Battery operated sprayers

Salts Gone® does not emulsify oil

  • This means it's safe to use on your reels

In depth look at protecting your coastal property