Lower Water Consumption

Lower Water Consumption

Water is a regulated resource for large companies. This means that for companies like UPS, FedEx and the USPS struggle to maintain their vehicles in the winter due to low availability of water.

Some of these facilities are regulated to only 500 gallons of water per day in their wash bay. For conventional salt removal and washing this allows for only a fraction of the daily work trucks to be rinsed and maintained properly.

Salts Gone decreases water consumption by 5 times. That means if you could wash 20 vehicles with 500 gallons of water, you can wash 100 vehicles with the same amount of water. 

This is because Salts Gone is attaching to the salt and allowing it to be rinsed off easily. If you are struggling to maintain your fleet vehicles due to restricted water usage Salts Gone is your answer!

Salts Gone effectively removes each one of these different types of chlorides. It's available in several different sizes and even portable units for mobile rinsing and trucking companies.


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